Laughter with Cancer
Jul 16, 2015 11:01:42

Have you MADE TIME for you and your LOVED ones?

I love my mum so much. I have never been closer to her than now. I have shared her stories about me that I haven’t shared before. Because that is the gift of cancer, life becomes more transparent.

Through PAIN, we are given SOLACE if we are open to RECEIVE it.
Through DARKNESS, we are given LIGHT if we are open to SEE it.
Through TEARS, we are given LOVE if we are open to FEEL it.

Health report:
This round is definitely better than my first round. I slept around 10 – 12 hours. Last round I was in bed for 16-20 hours a day.

Cancerpedia: MOVICOL is your best friend if you have constipation. You need to gauge how your body works as you don’t want to tip it off. I have been taking once daily. I’m stopping it tomorrow, once I am back on my green juice for fiber. I have been taking natural supplements and advised to give 3 days break before and after chemo. Hopefully, tomorrow I don’t have to drug myself up for my nausea and can use healthier alternatives.

This round seems to affect my brain and speech more than last round. Last round of VDC gave me more fatigue and body ache. The docs say this round of IFOSFAMIDE and ETOPOSIDE can cause confusion. Some of the anti nausea tablet I’m taking may affect mental alertness too.

I am down to 60.6. I lost about 6 kg in 3 days. But I am looking forward to claiming back my tastebuds and eating my mum’s yummy food before my next round in 2 weeks. Hopefully, it comes back soon 🙂

D30 of 280ish day chemo

PS: Special thank you for my sister in law who bought me the PEACE jumper 🙂

Love & Hugs always

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